From yesterday.... We look like crap. Yesterday was more of a blow out ride, let him burn some energy. After we rode I did his feet. I need to work on everything about everything. I wish I had someone to yell at me while I rode. "SIT UP!" "PUT YOUR HEAD OVER YOUR SHOULDERS!" "DON'T LOOK AT THE DAMN HORSE!" "STOP LETTING YOUR LEG SLIDE UP HIS SHOULDER!" "TUCK YOUR TAIL BONE UNDER YOU!"
It stinks. Because I want my riding to improve. I don't want to never work on anything for the next few years and feel like a beginner when I get back to work. But it's hard to work on things when I'm not on a horse enough. And before I know it, my extended daylight is going to end and that could mean riding even less.
PS. I miss you all!!!! I may not comment hardly ever at all lately but I try to get on and see how ya'll are doing now and then!