Last time I blogged I promised I'd make time to ride. I've been doing my best! But when you work 12 hours a day 6 days a week, sometimes sleeping becomes much more important than riding. So does cleaning your house and catching up on long-forgotten barn chores and making sure you have clean laundry for the next 6 days of work....
I miss my horse, though. We rode twice last week and I'm hoping to get in a ride this evening possibly. We went on a trail ride with friends last week and my big dummy of a horse forgot he has tender, bare feet and leaped down her creek bank onto all the rocks and now he is very sore. I jumped him a few days ago and it didn't go well. If I ride today he'll have to put his boots on. Same thing if we go riding Wednesday.
My 2 yr old ran himself into a fence 2 weeks ago and is finally starting to heal up and walk better. He has his spunk back so I know he's on the upside.
But oh, Twister. I know he's mad at me. He wants to go riding, to jump and hell, he'd probably even be happy with a little dressage if it meant he was getting ridden. He looks good, fit like I've been riding. I need to fit in a few more riding days a week, no ands ifs or buts. Real life doesn't want me to have riding time. But I need to kick real life in the face.
On another note, it's almost time to get ready for the W-word. :-( Not happy about it either. It's been cool at night lately and the sun doesn't feel so hot during the day. I know what's coming. I took all my winter blankets to the dry cleaner and I need to knock down cobwebs and start checking fence boards and stock up on bedding. I'm trying to find some stall mats to help with the bedding situation. Oh and here it is middle of September and I have NO HAY! Need to remedy that as well......... Why can't it be 65-75 all year round?!
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