Sunday, February 12, 2017

Rascalpants, the English pony

I broke the rules and tacked Rascal up English this morning. I knew I probably only have about 30 minutes to play with ponies while the baby napped. How much more fun it would have been to ride Twister. But I really wanted to see how Rascal ended up looking.

super cute!

Let me tell you though, he is sooooooo lazy. I am looking for another pair of Lami-cell Flexi spurs so that I can give him a jab without my shaky leg stabbing him and me getting dropped. Mona chewed my pair.....

Once he gets going he is super cute and had a nice little gate. It's no rocking horse, floating on air gate. But it's comfy all the same. Not every horse is Fatass. I don't even like Twister's trot that much. Maybe Rascal's is even nicer.

totally unfazed by Twister's bs

He is super cute tacked up English. He probably doesn't need the Micklem, but other than racing bridles and a hackamore, I don't have anything else to use on his face. And he probably needs the 3-piece copper bit to soften his mouth rather than Twister's please-don't-runoff-on-me bit.

wtf with my hands.....

I was supposed to work today but the baby is sick. Only 3 more shifts left then I'm a stay at home mom and my person promised we would make sure I ride at least 3 times a week. So I'll rotate Twister and Rascal. I need to get in shape.Twister really needs his stupid feet done before I do much on him. Maybe this week if I don't catch the plague.

20 minutes and he's starving

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